"Safeguarding God’s Children"
The Episcopal Church adopted the Safe Church Resolution in 2003 (//www.episcopalchurch.org/children) and our Diocese provided its detailed policy (SAFEGUARDING GOD'S CHILDREN - Diocesan Policies) on the safeguarding of our children while in our care. This policy requires 2 adults in proximity to children or youth for supervision.
“Safeguarding God’s Children”, a program offered through the diocese, gives us a format for education, training and policies to help keep our youngest members safe. Church staff, vestry members, nursery attendants, Sunday school teachers and mentors for our children and youth complete the training. Those trained learn steps to help keep ministries safe, guidelines for interactions, signs of abuse, procedures for monitoring interactions, and recommendations and resources for responding to general concerns and specific situations.
All adults working with children or youth take “Safeguarding God’s Children” and renew their training every 4 years.
All adults must go through a four step screening process (standard application, reference checks, criminal records check, and a face-to-face interview) at the least
Deacon Paul is our "Safeguarding God’s Children" trainer.
Please call the office or notify Deacon Paul if you need training.
Deacon Paul